Artificial Intelligence is becoming increasingly relevant in the modern world, where everything is driven by technology and data. It is used extensively across many fields such as search engines, image recognition, robotics, finance, and so on. We will explore various real-world scenarios in this course, and you’ll learn about various algorithms that can be used to build Artificial Intelligence applications. During the course, you will find out how to make informed decisions about what algorithms to use in a given context. Starting from the basics of Artificial Intelligence, you will learn how to develop various building blocks using different data mining techniques. You will see how to implement different algorithms to get the best possible results and understand how to apply them to real-world scenarios. If you want to add an intelligence layer to any application that’s based on images, text, stock market data, or some other form of data.
Programme Structure
At the end of this training session, participants will be able to:
- Understanding of the key trends in AI and how these are influencing the future of business
- Learn how to transform your organization into an innovative, efficient, and sustainable company of the future.
- You will be able to Identify which areas of your business are ripe for automation and digital transformation
- Gain confidence in the management of AI projects
- Identify the pitfalls and ethics concerns associated with AI
❖ Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
❖ Classification and Regression Using Supervised Learning
❖ Predictive Analytics with Ensemble Learning
❖ Detecting Patterns with Unsupervised Learning
❖ Building Recommender Systems
❖ Logic Programming
❖ Heuristic Search Techniques
❖ Genetic Algorithms
❖ Building Games With Artificial Intelligence
❖ Natural Language Processing
❖ Probabilistic Reasoning for Sequential Data
❖ Building A Speech Recognizer
❖ Object Detection and Tracking
❖ Artificial Neural Networks
❖ Reinforcement Learning
Programme Duration
50 hours
Entry Requirement
Open to all who have an interest in the Artificial Intelligence technology
Online classes